
Why Choose Intervention of Blepharoplasty?

Eyelid bags are a combination of unwanted excess skin in the eyelid area, with or without the swollen fat underneath the eyelid. This combination may make the eye appear more aged and tired. Eyelid bags may consist of both skin and fat, varying from person to person and by age, as older people usually have redundant skin along with varying amounts of fat while the younger tend to have prominent fat.

The Surgical Intervention In Short

The classic Blepharoplasty Intervention involves first removing unwanted excess skin from the area of ​​the eyelid, and then removing or, in some cases, redistributing fat re-distribution to the area of ​​the cheekbones to eliminate it groove created in the region (lacrimal groove). The incisions are just below the border of the lashes in the lower eyelid and the skin fold in the upper eyelid. In some cases younger patients, the incision to remove excess fat in the lower eyelid can be done internally through the conjunctiva, as skin removal is not necessary. This surgery is a procedure with excellent results for both men and women and for women.


The incisions created in the area of ​​the eyelids are healing quite satisfactorily and are inconspicuous. The use of eye shadow as well as mascara in the early days of recovery, makes it easier to hide the incisions.


Scars in the area of ​​the eyelids are healing quite satisfactorily and although initially, during the first few weeks, they appear slightly pink, then scatter in white. The quality of scars in most patients over time will be extremely good, and the healing time varies from patient to patient. Although it is very rare to occur in the area of ​​the eyelids, however, a small group of patients have red or raised scars.


A complete medical history should be taken before each surgery. As a precautionary measure, doctors without prescription or herbal products / drugs should not be taken before surgery and for 3 days afterwards. Also, strict non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as salospir, ibuprofen (Nurofen), diclofenac (Voltaren) and any other anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy should be avoided in consultation with the treating physician. It would also be very useful to bring a list of any prescription medicines you receive for your preoperative control.


If you are a smoker / smoker, it would be best to try to stop smoking six weeks before and two weeks after surgery, as this will dramatically reduce the likelihood of complications.

Recovery from Blepharoplasty

Duration of the Action

The surgery lasts sixty (60) minutes for the area of ​​the upper eyelids and ninety (90) minutes for the area below. The operation of the upper eyelids can be performed under local anesthesia and treated as a daily hospitalization, but if all four eyelids need to be corrected, Mr. Constantin Benetatos recommends that the surgery be performed under total anesthesia and that the patient remain in the hospital for one night.

Nursing Duration

Patients may be treated either as daytime hospitalizations or ask to stay in the hospital for one night.

Wound dressing and sutures

The incisions are usually sutured to a single suture, continuous, non-absorbable, which is removed on the fifth postoperative day. Above the wounds are placed small steri-strip adhesive strips which will remain for a total of eight days.

Time of Abstinence from Work and Social Life

Although the recovery time varies from patient to patient, however, patients should be given a recovery period of at least one to two weeks. Most patients feel quite well and comfortable after a few days, and the only thing that will keep them away from their work is the potential edema and bruising that will have occurred postoperatively. These will fully retreat until the second week.

Time of Abstinence from Exercise

Patients usually feel able to travel within three days and swim in ten to four days (if they have fully recovered), while vigorous exercise (aerobic exercise, etc.) should be avoided for four weeks.

Postoperative Instructions

From the first to the second day (1-2) you have to relax and rest, either in the hospital or at home.

From the second to the fifth (2-5) day, you can get up and move freely, however your eyes will have a slight swelling, as well as stitches that will be apparent. In case you want to go out, the sunglasses will be quite useful.

From the fifth to the fourteenth day (5-14), the sutures will have been removed and most of the swelling and bruising will have subsided. From now on, you will begin to feel much better and after ten days, you will be able to start a gentle exercise, gradually increasing the intensity.

From the third week onwards you will almost return to your normal pace.


Patients should avoid driving until they are completely relieved of pain and feeling of restraint, so they are perfectly able to make a sudden movement, such as direct braking, unobstructed and painless. This is suggested for patients to secure coverage from their insurance company. It may take two or three weeks to fully recover.

Postoperative Monitoring

Your wound will be checked and the sutures removed on the fifth postoperative day. Then, as needed, you will have a post-operative check with Mr. Constantine Benetato, in the month, after three months, at six months, and a final appointment with the doctor in the year. There will be no extra charge for any monitoring associated with your surgery.

Final Outcome of Blepharoplasty Intervention

The outcome of the surgery, although it will be immediately felt, will continue to improve over the first three months.


Possible Complications of Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is a routine surgery and crowns with absolute success for the overwhelming majority of patients. However, as with any surgery, it is very important to understand that there is a possibility of complications. Any complications that may arise are listed below.


It is an extremely unusual complication when the lower eyelid does not touch the eyeball and turns outward, resulting in dryness of the eye (dry eye) and possible corneal damage due to reduced ocular protection. It occurs when the lower eyelid does not have the necessary elasticity (this is thoroughly controlled by Boneteto preoperatively) or when the above skin is removed from the permissible and it is very tightly sutured. In order to avoid this, much pre-operative care is taken with the necessary controls to ensure that you are not at risk before the surgery and intraoperatively. In the event that there is an increased risk of extravasation.

Low Grade Asymmetry

Although the same surgery will be performed on both sides, however, there is little chance of a slight degree of asymmetry occurring on the surface of the skin on both sides.


The quality of scars varies from patient to patient.

Wound breakage

Although it is unusual, if it occurs, it may lead to a wound healing delay and affect the quality of the scars.


There is a possibility of a hematoma, which will result in the patient returning to the surgery to remove it if it is large.


It is also very unusual, but if it occurs, it will be necessary to give the patient an antibiotic medication treatment.

Eye Injury

Rarely, and although the eye is protected during surgery, a slight twitching of the eye may occur. The most common form of injury is a small skin on the cornea (the front of the eye) which, although painful, is cured without any damage within a few days.

Watering Eyes

It is the overflow of tears in the eye after temporary or, in rare cases, permanent change of lacrimal ejection of the eyelids.

If you feel any symptom that may be of concern to you, please do not hesitate to contact us .